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Person or association that proposes
Associate at Musika Bulegoa? (directly or by being associated with Kultura Live, MIE, Musikagileak or Musikari)
Proposed artist or musical group
Proposed title of the work
Complete album, theme song, written musical work, soundtrack, live work, etc.
Brief description of the project
First public presentation, with date and format (press conference, concert, YouTube...)
Reference (one) that is sent for evaluation. Link to video and/or audio (a single link). It will be used for the jury's evaluation.
In what musical stylistic field would you place your proposal?
Gender criterion

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If you work in music, specify the sector to which you belong (promoter, musician, teaching, technician...)
Are you a member at Musika Bulegoa? (directly or by being a member of Kultura Live, MIE, Musikagileak or Musikari)

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